Samples of Raw Materials, Tools, and Processing Substances
Includes samples of mountain goat wool, cedar bark, and samples of warps and wefts. Non-toxic alum is used today as a mordant—a chemical used to hold dye molecules to the wool fibers. Urine was also a valued chemical for its ability to mordant dye to fiber and adjust salinity and pH. Fels Naptha soap is used to “scour” (clean) the wool. The small ball of undyed weft and cedar bark formline templates are from a weaver’s kit, ASM II-B-915, donated to the museum by the weaver’s daughter (Helen George) in 1959. Learn more about Chilkat Dye Research.
Samples contributed by Sara Lee, Lily Hope, Anna Brown Ehlers, Kay Field Parker, Helen George, Patty Fiorella, and Sophie Lager.