The collaborative Chilkat Dye Working Group studies both new and historic materials through hands-on activities and open-ended conversations. Dye analysis is performed at Portland State University with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Contributors to the Chilkat Dye Working Group include: Liana Wallace, Lily Hope, Patty Fiorella, Kay Field Parker, Della Cheney, Yarrow Vaara, Marsha Hotch, Deanna Lampe, Irene Lampe, Marcia Stier, Pamla Credo-Hayes, Pattie Adkisson, Dorica Jackson, Marsha Hotch, Ernestine Hanlon-Abel, Corinne Dennis, Nancy Ratner, Anna Brown Ehlers, and William White.
Tlingit culture bearer Liana Wallace co-founded the Chilkat Dye Working Group in Spring 2018.
Weavers examine archaeological textile fragments. Clockwise: Della Cheney (with hat), Pamla Credo-Hayes, Lily Hope, Irene Lampe, Pattie Adkisson, Yarrow Vaara, Liana Wallace, Nancy Keen, Patty Fiorella, and Kay Field Parker.
Left to right: Della Cheney, Yarrow Vaara, and Pamla Credo-Hayes examine a Chilkat robe.
Patty Fiorella straining her dyebath while dyeing wool at the museum.
Blue dye extraction for analysis in the chemistry laboratory of Dr. Tami Lasseter Clare, Portland State University.
Members of the Chilkat Dye Working Group dye yarn together. Left to right: Deanna Lampe, Mary Ann Parke, Deb O’Gara, Lily Hope (holding jar), Kay Field Parker, and Liana Wallace.