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Alaska State Museums to Host Open Office Hours NAGPRA Monthly Meetings

by LAM Webmaster on 2024-06-13T09:08:00-08:00 in Alaska State Museum, Sheldon Jackson Museum | 0 Comments

The Alaska State Museum in Juneau and Sheldon Jackson Museum in Sitka invite the public to attend a new series of Open Office Hours NAGPRA monthly meetings. The purpose of these meetings will be to invite the public to ask questions about the Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) or relevant cultural belongings and to provide information about how the Alaska State Museums are complying with NAGPRA. The forum also welcomes museum professionals from around the state to share updates about the NAGPRA process from their own institutions. All meetings will be held virtually. Some of the meetings will be themed around topics; others will be open-ended. Members of the public, especially tribal citizens, and museum administrators are encouraged to attend.

The first Open Office Hours NAGPRA meeting will take place on June 28 at 3 pm AKT. During the first meeting, Alaska State Museums staff will introduce themselves briefly, share a letter sent to all tribes in Alaska, and solicit input on the public’s hopes and desires for these meetings. The last portion of the meeting will include a Q&A.

The Alaska State Museums recognize that not all will be able to attend the June 28 meeting and welcomes any questions or concerns about the Open Office Hours NAGPRA meetings, NAGPRA, or NAGPRA compliance at any time. For questions, concerns, or comments, please contact Chief Curator Addison Field at or call (907) 465-4866.

To access the virtual meeting on June 28 at 3 pm AKT, visit:

Meeting ID: 289 694 111 033
Passcode: VQnr7J

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