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News Room: Announcements

Formline Basics Drawing Class at Sheldon Jackson Museum

by LAM Webmaster on 2022-06-22T10:52:00-08:00 in Events, Sheldon Jackson Museum | 0 Comments

For Immediate Release
June 22, 2022

Digitized adaptation of formline design by Eechdaa Dave KetahAs part of the Alaska Native Artist Residency Program, artist Eechdaa Dave Ketah (Tlingit) will offer a Formline Basics class at the Sheldon Jackson Museum and on Zoom July 27-29, 2-4 pm for ages 12 and up. Plan to attend all three 2-hour sessions to learn formline design basics and construct at least one crest design. Participants need to have some basic materials such as drawing paper, pencils, etc. Contact the Sheldon Jackson Museum at (907) 747-8981 to sign up for the class and to obtain a recommended materials list.  

Eechdaa Dave Ketah is a Tlingit carver, drum maker, and painter. He will be the Sheldon Jackson Museum’s first Alaska Native artist-in-residence of 2022 and will be working most days at the museum July 8-30. Ketah was born and raised in Ketchikan. His ancestors are the Hinyaa from the south of Lingít aani (Tlingit land - Southeast Alaska). For years, what he knew about his Tlingit identity came from what his grandmother taught him as a boy. Living outside Lingít aani for most of his adult life, he struggled against assimilation into the dominant culture through learning from reading, the internet, and museum visits. The pandemic opened new opportunities and was the catalyst in Ketah becoming a practicing student of his language and the creative expressions of formline design, carving, and regalia making. Ketah pursues growth as an artist with a passionate approach and prolific productivity. He and his wife have two children, who are also just beginning to explore their Tlingit and Inupiat heritage.

Summer hours at the Sheldon Jackson Museum are Monday–Saturday, 9 am–4:30 pm, except holidays. Summer admission is $9 for adults and $8 for seniors. Visitors 18 and under are admitted free of charge. Assistance is available for visitors with special needs. For more information on operations or events, contact the museum by calling (907) 747-8981.


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