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Sheldon Jackson Museum Artist Talks & Journal Activity with Tina Harness

by LAM Webmaster on 2024-09-19T09:43:00-08:00 in Events, Sheldon Jackson Museum | 0 Comments

The Sheldon Jackson Museum is offering several upcoming events with artist-in-residence Tina Cupell’aq Harness. Harness will give an Artifact Talk on September 20 at 2 pm and a Residency Recap Talk on September 27 at 2 pm. Both talks will take place at the museum and on Zoom. She will also offer a journaling class and presentation at the museum on Wednesday, October 2 at 11 am. 

Her first talk on September 13, which took place during the internet outage in Sitka, will be posted to the Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum YouTube channel soon. 

Tina Cupell'aq Harness began her residency at the Sheldon Jackson Museum on September 12. Harness, who identifies as “Mixed Yup’ik,” first learned to bead at her Auntie Tun’s house. She was six years old when her auntie put a cookie tin full of seed beads in front of her, threaded some dental floss into a needle, and sat her down to make a necklace. The realization that she could work on a project and end up with a wearable piece of art threw her into a “spiral of creative flow.” She quickly took on a creative identity of her own. Harness spent hours in her room developing patterns and designs, pushing the boundaries of what she had seen as a small girl. She sold her necklaces, bracelets, and earrings at her mom’s office, walking from person to person sharing about her art. She learned the importance of money management and self-motivation. Harness has been beading ever since, and in more recent years, sharing her beading skills with students, especially Yup’ik youth, and increasingly focusing on community mentorship within the creative arts. Her residency wraps up on October 2.

Artifact Talk

Friday, September 20 at 2 pm
Sheldon Jackson Museum & on Zoom

Harness will share a selection of artifacts and cultural belongings from the Sheldon Jackson Museum’s permanent collection.

Zoom Details

Meeting ID: 897 8074 9013
Passcode: Harness

Artist Residency Recap Talk

Friday, September 27 at 2 pm
Sheldon Jackson Museum & on Zoom

Harness will recap her artist-residency experience and reflections on her time in Sitka the last three weeks. This presentation will be held in-person at the museum and simultaneously on Zoom.

Zoom Details

Meeting ID: 895 4916 9548
Passcode: Recap

Journal Prompt Class for Healing and the Creative Mind

Wednesday, October 2 at 11 am
Sheldon Jackson Museum

Harness will lead this class and presentation for ages 18+. If weather permits, it will take place outside on the grass. Call (907) 747-8981 to sign up. Plan to dress for the weather and bring journals and pens. Harness will talk about the importance of journaling for the creative mind and give a quick overview of the benefits of getting thoughts, good and bad, out of our heads and onto the page. Then she'll offer some journal prompts to encourage reflections on creative flow.

The Alaska Native Artist Residency Program is underwritten by the Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum and is made possible with support from the Friends, the National Endowment for the Arts, Alaska Airlines, the Baranov Lodge, and private donors. To find out how to support the residency program or for future calendars of events and details, visit

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