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Assisting LAM users with disabilities

Best practices and requirements

Advertisements and public notices

Recommended practice:  LAM should include an ADA compliance and accommodation statement in any advertisement or notice in which we invite people to visit us or participate in a program, workshop, or service. 

Sample notice language: A person with a disability who needs accommodation for this event can contact (name, phone number) a week in advance to make any necessary arrangements.

Modifications to the form language: Staff may modify this form language, as the same language may not be appropriate for all types of advertisements and announcements.  Language should simply (1) make it clear that we can offer accommodations; and (2) let people know how to arrange for accommodations.


Recommended practice:  State publications should "contain a general statement announcing that these materials will be made available in alternative formats, such as large print, Braille, cassette tape, or read orally when requested."  Staff members and our publications specialist may determine what constitutes a publication for purposes of this requirement, keeping in mind that a notice is usually appropriate for any item that a person with a disability may wish to read.  In general, a bookmark is not a publication for the purpose of this notice requirement. 

Sample language for short or brief publications: "This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact us at (office, email, phone number)."  Unless you expect the publication to have a very short life, please do not include an individual person's name and contact information in this notice, as that person may not be around when a person needs the publication in an alternative format.

Sample language for more extensive publications that may survive for a long time: "The Alaska State Library, part of the Department of Education & Early Development, complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. We can make this publication available in alternative communication formats upon request.  To make any necessary arrangements, please contact the Department of Education and Early Development, Commissioner’s Office, 801 West 10th Street, Suite 200, Juneau, AK 99801, 907-465-2802, TDD/Alaska Relay: 7-1-1 or 1 (800) 770-8973."

Alaska ADA Policy Poster for Public Areas and Bulletin Boards