Untitled, date unknown
- watercolor painting of a glacier and mountains
- Katherine Delaney Abrams
- Watercolor painting
- ASM V-A-125
Untitled (Sitka), 1901
- oil painting of a rocky beach with a dugout canoe, a town and mountains painted in the background
- Lesley Jackson
- Oil painting
- ASM 2007-12-2
Northern Lights, 1983
- woven tapestry shows a Russian Orthodox priest greeting a group of people and a dog in front of St. Nicholas Church in Juneau)
- Rie Munoz
- Wool tapestry
- Munoz design (St. Nicholas Church in Juneau) converted into a tapestry by weaving studio, Pinton, in Aubusson, France.
- Donation by Friends of the Alaska State Museum. ASM V-A-789
Petersburg Waterfront, 1974
- watercolor painting of houses along a beach
- Jennie Werner
- Watercolor painting
- ASM V-A-813
Time to Fix Their Hair, 2008
- painting depicting 6 people in a living room, 5 children, one getting their hair fixed by an adult
- Kathryn Mallory
- Oil on linen
- Painted using the Zorn Palette, (yellow ochre, ivory black, vermilion, titanium white).
- Purchased with the support of the Rasmuson Foundation. ASM 2009-32-1