People of the Tundra filmB1973.023b. Marvin "Muktuk" Marston, former commander of the Native Scouts utilized by the Alaska Territorial Guard during World War II, gives his personal views of Native life. Marston shows scenes of Eskimo whaling and festivals, fishwheels and preserving fish in pits along the Yukon River, sternwheelers, and dog playing with bear cubs. Diomede Island images include Eskimo men climbing cliffs and harvesting bird eggs, and hunter catching birds using decoys and a long pole with a small net. Nunivak Island images include funeral services for a departed elder. Additional images include Governor Gruening's recruitment of Alaskan Natives into the Alaska Territorial Guard, construction of Alaska Territorial Guard facilities by Eskimo women, Marston and Sam Mogg travelling by dogsled to recruit members of the Alaska Territorial Guard, and use of reindeer to replace sled dogs. Additional images include Russian pilots and American Lend-Lease aircraft painted in Russian colors at Nome, Alaska Territorial Guard soldiers, Nome street scenes, propeller driven snowmachine, dogs pulling three-wheeled cart, Eskimo children, and portraits of several people. Also held by the UAF Alaska Film Archives.