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Review the Checkoff List for Emergency Planning, located in the Templates tab. It gives a suggestion for what should be included in the final plan, a possible layout for organizing the plan.
Create a master copy (8.5x11”) floor plan or map for each building, including each floor. You will also need a property map including all buildings, parking, etc. These should be to scale, or near scale if possible, and clean. Clean means remove all extraneous words, symbols, etc. They need to be easy to read at a glance. If you cannot find or easily make scale drawings, a hand drawn floor plan will work.
Determine emergency evacuation routes for your building(s). Put the evacuation routes on the floor plan. Also include first aid kits, AED, fire extinguishers and a gathering/ muster point outside on the floor plan.
Develop Evacuation Procedures to augment your Evacuation Route map.
Invite coworkers, volunteers, etc. to join your Planning Team. This Team helps you throughout the research and development of your plan. They can provide expertise, give advice, help with assignments, and help draft and review your plan.
Start your emergency contact lists. The same names can be on more than one list. All the below documents are located in Templates.
Potential Responder List (This list comprises Staff, Board, Volunteers, helpful community members, experts and anyone that you might call on to help during an emergency/disaster.)
Training and Expertise Records (This will help you know the expertise of the people on your Core Response Team and Volunteer Responders. It can also help remind you of times to initiate training. For example, if everyone’s CPR/AED certification is expired, you might organize a CPR class.)