CJ discusses the process for identifying hazards and risks at your institution. Note: when CJ mentions the syllabus, she is referring to this module's section of the course website.
You will evaluate a variety of sources and use various tools to determine the hazards you will prioritize in your emergency plan. Consult the following resources and tools:
The Potential Hazards List in the Module Introduction section of the course website. This list was compiled from several different hazard lists and will help you get started with the list for your institution.
Your community’s Emergency Operating Plan and Hazard Mitigation Plan (risk assessment). Links to some plans are in the resource section. Look to see if the plan places your institution in a hazardous area such as a tsunami zone or an avalanche zone. What other hazards are listed for your community? Should you be concerned?
Complete a Risk Evaluation and Planning Program REPP Walkthrough Checklist for your institution. Remember: Not everything on the REPP Walkthrough Checklist applies to your institution, but it is a tool to help you think about details and give you an eye to notice issues as you walk about your institution and grounds. The easiest way to complete this might be with teams. Take along a clipboard and multiple floor plans so you can jot down locations and, for the group outside, the map of building and grounds.
As you note risks and problems, record them and note what is needed to mitigate the problem. After this course, you can use this mitigation or “TO DO” list to develop a Mitigation Plan. (I would include this list in your Plan’s Appendix to not lose it.)
Your Potential Hazard list needs to be prioritized. Use one of the two (2) different style worksheets to help with this process:
After completing all of the above, you should have a prioritized hazard list. This prioritized list will be part of your complete binder Emergency/Disaster Plan. Plus the more likely to happen hazards with higher associated risks are the ones you will want to develop response procedures for your Quick Guide and PReP Guide; help determine your list of needed supplies/equipment and PPE; and will be a factor in developing collection priorities.
Examples of these items are in the Templates and Forms section:
Develop a Maintenance and Security Schedule checklist. This is a guide to make sure that not only are daily tasks completed, but that those annual and more infrequent checks are not forgotten.
Develop a Maintenance Incident Log.
Develop Opening and Closing Procedures for your institution.