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  • Division facilities will be closed January 18-20.

Preparing Alaska's Cultural Organizations for Emergencies Course

A training program especially designed for staff at collecting institutions in Alaska

Module 7

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the steps to take after an immediate response to a disaster, especially the first 72 hours;
  • Understand how to assess building and collection damage after a disaster;
  • Understand what needs to be in an Incident Action Plan (IAP), and that it is regularly updated;
  • Understand how to plan and execute collections salvage. 

Module Introduction



  • Read Field Guide to Emergency Response Section III (p 35-52)
  • Watch the relevant segments of the DVD found in the back pocket of the book or those same videos posted online.
  • Develop your response and recovery guidelines. 
  • Determine where you can base your response activities.
    • Command Post
    • Staging area
    • Triage area
    • Salvage/Treatment areas
    • Storage- long and short term
    • Freezer location

Depending on the size of the incident, all these areas could be in one spot, could be somewhere in a non-affected area of your building, or within a block or on the other side of town.  Consider different options. Now is a good time to arrange with building owners the use of their space in the case of an emergency. Include this information, along with maps of the various locations in your Binder plan.

  • Choose salvage instructions and guidelines that make most sense for your institution and add these as an appendix to your plan. You can find these instructions in the Resources section of this module, your textbook and elsewhere.


Fire behavior

  • Legacy Room VS Modern Room (video). This video compares the growth of a fire in a room with 2 types of furniture.  Remain onboard afterwards as after the ad, the video begins an excellent series of short fire behavior videos.



Damage Assessment Forms: