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Preparing Alaska's Cultural Organizations for Emergencies Course

A training program especially designed for staff at collecting institutions in Alaska

Module 5

Learning Outcome

  • Apply what they learned throughout the class to develop immediate response guidelines, a Quick Guide, and Pocket Response Plan (PReP) to use during emergencies.

Module Introduction




  • Read Field Guide to Emergency Response Section 1 (p 1-8). Watch the first section on the provided DVD or online, “Getting Started.”
  • Develop general guidelines for immediate response. An example is in the Templates & Forms tab.
  • Develop emergency response procedures for identified hazards. See examples in the Templates & Forms tab.
  • Develop a Quick Guide response guide for your institution taking into account institution and community level risks. See examples in the Templates & Forms tab.
  • Post your Quick Guide in easy to find places throughout your building.
  • Create a Pocket Response Plan (PReP) and distribute to staff.


Forms and Templates for Module 5

Incident Response Procedures