A webinar from the Alaska State Library, May 21, 2015
Encyclopedias & dictionaries
American Jurisprudence, 2d
Available at the Alaska State Court Law Library in print and through Westlaw. A comprehensive A-Z list of legal topics. Within each legal topic the rules of law are explained, including some differences in treatment among the states. Also cites supporting state and federal cases. Contains over 140 volumes.
Developed by a law librarian, this site functions as an encyclopedia, collection of links, and legal research guide. Entries are organized by topic and cross-referenced. The guide continues to grow as Zimmerman adds entries, and researchers propose their own additions.
Covers researching administrative law, federal legislative history, foreign and international law, federal statutes, secondary legal resources, judicial decisions, and more.
Agency websites
Are you researching a heavily regulated area of the law, such as labor and employment, health and social services, or the environment? A federal or state agency may have summarized the law in your topic area.
You need to be at one of the Law Library's locations to use Hein, but it's worth the trip. Among the many other resources, you'll find hundreds of legal periodicals.
From the website: "Searches free full-text of over 400 online law reviews and law journals, as well as document repositories hosting academic papers and related publications such as Congressional Research Service reports."
Identifies and links to over 100 law reviews and journals and sources for finding law review and journal articles
Digests and citators
Shepards & KeyCite
Before relying on a case in a legal proceeding, it is good practice (some say essential) to make sure it has not been overruled or adversely affected by other legal authorities. Anyone can use KeyCite through the Alaska State Court Law Library's public access Westlaw service. State employees can contact the Alaska State Library for assistance with using Shepards.
West's Alaska Digest 2d.
Digests group cases by legal issue. West assigns each legal issue a headnote and key number to organize cases by topic. West's Alaska Digest covers Alaska state and federal cases since 1869. The digest is available at many Alaska State Court Law Library locations. People can also review case summaries by headnote and key number through the Alaska State Court Law Library's public access Westlaw service. Lexis also assigns headnotes to cases to help users find cases by legal topic. State employees may ask the Alaska State Library for assistance in finding cases by headnote using the library's Lexis subscription.
Covers how to cite judicial opinions, constitutions and statutes, agency and executive materials such as regulations, and other legal sources. This is a comprehensive guide, suitable for people who are engaged in legal writing.
This comprehensive guide is “about the origin and evolution of Alaska’s constitution. It discusses how the delegates to Alaska’s constitutional convention approached the subject matter of the various articles; and it touches on the key ideas, words, phrases, judicial interpretations, and political history associated with the sections of each article. The book is a short guided tour through Alaska’s basic law, written for the citizen who wants to learn more about the state constitution.”
Provides access to full-text legal reference books published by Nolo Press, and thousands of legal forms, on virtually every legal topic. Available at all Alaska State Court Law Library locations.
Full text periodicals, reference books, and videos on a variety of business topics including hiring and managing employees, marketing, interviews, customer service, and communication. Includes books published by Nolo, a well-respected publisher of legal resources for people who are not legal professionals.
Includes Federal and state cases, statutes, administrative codes, briefs, journals and law reviews, American Jurisprudence legal encyclopedia and forms, jury verdicts and more. Anyone can use Westlaw at one of the law library's public access computers at 16 locations throughout Alaska.
Library staff can search a vast body of news, legal, and legislative history resources through LexisNexis. If you think a search of LexisNexis or some of our other resources may help you, use this link to send us a question.