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- Division facilities will be closed February 15-17.
Question: Total objects in your collection?
# of Objects |
# of Museums |
Not Sure |
4 |
1-500 |
12 |
500-1,000 |
7 |
1,000-2,000 |
6 |
2,000-3,000 |
7 |
3,000-4,000 |
3 |
4,000-5,000 |
1 |
5,000-7,500 |
2 |
7,500-10,000 |
3 |
10,000-20,000 |
4 |
20,000-40,000 |
2 |
40,000-75,000 |
1 |
75,000-100,000 |
1 |
100,000-500,000 |
4 |
500,000-1,000,000 |
1 |
1,000,000+ |
1 |
Question 21: Environment Monitoring
How often do you monitor…?
Monthly |
Quarterly |
Annually |
"As Needed" Basis |
We haven't - yet! |
Total |
Relative humidity (RH) levels? |
43.33% |
26 |
5.00% |
3 |
3.33% |
2 |
13.33% |
8 |
35.00% |
21 |
60 |
Light levels in your exhibition area? |
16.39% |
10 |
13.11% |
8 |
9.84% |
6 |
29.51% |
18 |
31.15% |
19 |
61 |
Pest traps/signs of insects? |
27.87% |
17 |
11.48% |
7 |
6.56% |
4 |
24.59% |
15 |
29.51% |
18 |
61 |
Question 22: Exhibit Maintenance
How often do you&hellip?
Annually or more often |
Five year cycle |
"As Needed" basis |
We haven't - Yet! |
Total |
Clean your exhibitions? |
65.57% |
40 |
1.64% |
1 |
27.87% |
17 |
4.92% |
3 |
61 |
Rotate out objects on exhibit? |
13.33% |
8 |
11.67% |
7 |
61.67% |
37 |
13.33% |
8 |
60 |
Update object labels? |
18.33% |
11 |
6.67% |
4 |
63.33% |
38 |
11.67% |
7 |
60 |
Update education/visitor guides for exhibits |
26.23% |
16 |
9.84% |
6 |
50.82% |
31 |
13.11% |
8 |
61 |
Reinterpret existing exhibitions |
15.52% |
9 |
6.90% |
4 |
58.62% |
34 |
18.97% |
11 |
58 |
Install new exhibitions |
39.34% |
24 |
8.20% |
5 |
39.34% |
24 |
13.11% |
8 |
61 |
Question 31: Volume of collection (by type)
What is the approximate total number of objects in your collection?
Not Sure |
1-500 |
500-1,000 |
1,000-2,000 |
2,000-3,000 |
3,000-4,000 |
4,000-5,000 |
5,000-7,500 |
7,500-10,000 |
10,000-20,000 |
20,000-40,000 |
40,000-75,000 |
75,000-100,000 |
100,000-500,000 |
500,000-1 Million |
1 Million+ |
Total |
Permanent collection? |
6.56% |
4 |
22.95% |
14 |
11.48% |
7 |
9.84% |
6 |
11.48% |
7 |
4.92% |
3 |
1.64% |
1 |
3.28% |
2 |
4.92% |
3 |
6.56% |
4 |
3.28% |
2 |
1.64% |
1 |
1.64% |
1 |
6.56% |
4 |
1.64% |
1 |
1.64% |
1 |
61 |
Educational/Hands-on? |
11.32% |
6 |
73.58% |
39 |
7.55% |
4 |
1.89% |
1 |
1.89% |
1 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
1.89% |
1 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
1.89% |
1 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
53 |
Question 32: Collection Database
Which collections database does your museum use?
% of Museums |
# of Museums |
No Computerized Database |
8.20% |
5 |
PastPerfect |
63.93% |
39 |
MS Access |
3.28% |
2 |
Snap! |
1.64% |
1 |
Accession |
0% |
1 |
Argus |
1.64% |
1 |
FileMaker Pro |
0% |
0 |
0% |
0 |
Re:Discovery |
4.92% |
3 |
Excel |
9.84% |
6 |
Oracle |
0% |
0 |
KeEmu |
0% |
0 |
Embark! |
0% |
0 |
1.64% |
1 |
Intuit |
0% |
0 |
Open Source |
0% |
0 |
Question 33: Insurance
Museum insurance.
Yes |
No |
Is your collection insured? |
58.33% |
35 |
41.67% |
25 |
If so, is your collection insured separate from your facility? |
60.00% |
24 |
40.00% |
16 |
Question 34: Accessions
Museum accessions.
None |
Not Sure |
1-25% |
25-50% |
50-75% |
75-100% |
Approximately what percentage of your collection is accessioned? |
3.28% |
2 |
11.48% |
7 |
13.11% |
8 |
8.20% |
5 |
16.39% |
10 |
47.54% |
29 |
Question 35: Policies & Procedures
Does your museum have written policies and procedures for collections management?
Museums (% and #) |
Not Sure |
1.64% |
1 |
Yes |
77.05% |
47 |
No |
21.31% |
13 |
Question 36: Archives
Archives within museums.
Yes |
No |
Does your institution have an archive? |
72.13% |
44 |
27.87% |
17 |
If so, is it managed as part of your collection? |
78.72% |
37 |
21.28% |
10 |
Question 41: Collections on Exhibit
Approximately what percentage of your collections are on exhibition?
Not Sure |
0-5% |
6-10% |
10-20% |
20-40% |
40-60% |
60-80% |
80-100% |
Permanent collection on display |
0.00% |
0 |
11.11% |
6 |
11.11% |
6 |
7.41% |
4 |
7.41% |
4 |
14.81% |
8 |
18.52% |
10 |
29.63% |
16 |
Question 42: Collections in Open Exhibits
Approximately what percentage of your collections are on open exhibit inside your facility?
Museums (% and #) |
0-20% |
31.03% |
18 |
20-40% |
10.34% |
6 |
40-60% |
15.52% |
9 |
60-80% |
15.52% |
9 |
80-100% |
27.59% |
16 |
Question 43: Community Objects
Approximately what percentage of objects on exhibition come from your community?
Museums (% and #) |
0-20% |
14.75% |
9 |
20-40% |
1.64% |
1 |
40-60% |
9.84% |
6 |
60-80% |
24.59% |
15 |
80-100% |
49.18% |
30 |