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- Division facilities will be closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1.
Question 8: Gift Shop
Does your museum have a gift shop?
Museums (% and #) |
Yes |
81.67% |
49 |
No |
18.33% |
11 |
Question 20: Emergency Systems and Preparedness
Do you have a…
Yes |
No |
Sprinkler system in the exhibit area? |
47.54% |
29 |
52.46% |
32 |
Sprinkler system in collection storage? |
44.26% |
27 |
55.74% |
34 |
Sprinkler system in the office areas? |
42.62% |
26 |
57.38% |
35 |
Halon or other gas type fire suppression system? |
17.24% |
10 |
82.76% |
48 |
Fire or smoke detection system? |
86.67% |
52 |
13.33% |
8 |
Emergency system that automatically contacts police or fire? |
63.33% |
38 |
36.67% |
22 |
Disaster preparedness plan? |
48.33% |
29 |
51.67% |
31 |
Pest management plan? |
50.00% |
30 |
50.00% |
30 |
Question 23: Facility Size
Facility size (in sq. ft.)
Under 500 |
500-1,000 |
1,000-1,500 |
1,500-2,000 |
2,000-2,500 |
2,500-5,000 |
5,000-10,000 |
10,000-20,000 |
20,000-30,000 |
30,000-40,000 |
40,000+ |
Total |
Exhibition space |
16.39% |
10 |
4.92% |
3 |
14.75% |
9 |
8.20% |
5 |
6.56% |
4 |
22.95% |
14 |
13.11% |
8 |
6.56% |
4 |
1.64% |
1 |
1.64% |
1 |
3.28% |
2 |
61 |
Collections storage |
47.54% |
29 |
18.03% |
11 |
13.11% |
8 |
4.92% |
3 |
3.28% |
2 |
1.64% |
1 |
6.56% |
4 |
3.28% |
2 |
0.00% |
0 |
1.64% |
1 |
0.00% |
0 |
61 |
Office Space |
54.24% |
32 |
16.95% |
10 |
13.56% |
8 |
0.00% |
0 |
8.47% |
5 |
0.00% |
0 |
3.39% |
2 |
3.39% |
2 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
59 |
Overall size of facility |
6.67% |
4 |
13.33% |
8 |
1.67% |
1 |
3.33% |
2 |
6.67% |
4 |
23.33% |
14 |
15.00% |
9 |
15.00% |
9 |
3.33% |
2 |
5.00% |
3 |
6.67% |
4 |
60 |