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  • Division facilities will be closed February 15-17.

Alaska Museums Surveys and Data

Data gathered from museums surveyed around Alaska during 1984, 2000, 2010, and 2020.

Question 14: Governance Structure

  City or Borough College / University Federal Government For-profit Organization Nonprofit Organization State of Alaska Tribal Organization
Who governs the museum? 9.64% 8 2.41% 2 9.64% 8 6.02% 5 61.45% 51 3.61% 3 7.23% 6
Who owns the permanent collection? 10.84% 9 1.20% 1 10.84% 9 3.61% 3 60.24% 50 4.82% 4 8.43% 7
Who owns the building? 34.94% 29 2.41% 2 9.64% 8 14.46% 12 25.30% 21 6.02% 5 7.23% 6
Who maintains the building? 28.92% 24 2.41% 2 8.43% 7 12.05% 10 33.73% 28 6.02% 5 8.43% 7
Who pays staff salaries? 10.84% 9 2.41% 2 10.84% 9 6.02% 5 59.04% 49 3.61% 3 7.23% 6

Question 15: If you have a Board of Directors/Trustees, do the members reflect the diversity of your community?

Somewhat 42.19% 27
Yes 39.06% 25
No 12.50% 8
Do not know 6.25% 4

Question 16: If you have a Board of Directors/Trustees, how often do you provide training opportunities?

Rarely 65.57% 40
Never 19.67% 12
Twice annually 9.84% 6
Quarterly 4.92% 3
Monthly 0.00% 0

Question 17: If you have a Board of Directors/Trustees, are the members clear about their fiduciary responsibilities?

Yes 90.16% 55
No 9.84% 6


Question 18: Select all that apply to your institution’s core documents

Documents Our institution has the following core documents: Our institution has updated the following core documents in the last 3 years: Total Respondents to each line item
Mission Statement 90.12% 73 24.69% 20 78
Institutional Code of Ethics 54.32% 44 9.87% 8 45
Strategic Institutional Plan 58.02% 47 30.86% 25 57
Disaster Preparedness/Emergency Response Plan 53.08% 43 19.75% 16 46
Collections Management Policy 69.13% 56 23.45% 19 58