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- Division facilities will be closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1.
Question 5: Membership Type
Yes |
No |
Does your museum offer membership? |
48.28% |
28 |
51.72% |
30 |
Does your Friends/Support group offer membership? |
34.00% |
17 |
66.00% |
33 |
Question 6: Membership Numbers
If you answered "Yes" above (Question 5), please list the approximate number of members below. If answered "No", please skip to question 8.
1-50 |
51-100 |
100-150 |
150-200 |
250-300 |
300-350 |
350-400 |
400-450 |
450-500 |
500+ |
Current members of your institution |
16.13% |
5 |
19.35% |
6 |
16.13% |
5 |
6.45% |
2 |
12.90% |
4 |
9.68% |
3 |
6.45% |
2 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
12.90% |
4 |
Current members of your friend's group |
26.67% |
4 |
33.33% |
5 |
0.00% |
0 |
13.33% |
2 |
6.67% |
1 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
20.00% |
3 |
Question 7: Membership Dues
Membership Dues / Adult Individual Dues
$0 |
$1-$10 |
$10-$15 |
$15-$20 |
$20-$30 |
$30-$50 |
$50-$75 |
$75-$100 |
$100+ |
Annual membership to your institution for an individual |
15.15% |
5 |
9.09% |
3 |
24.24% |
8 |
3.03% |
1 |
21.21% |
7 |
18.18% |
6 |
3.03% |
1 |
6.06% |
2 |
0.00% |
0 |
Annual membership to friends/support group for an individual |
23.81% |
5 |
9.52% |
2 |
19.05% |
4 |
4.76% |
1 |
23.81% |
5 |
14.29% |
3 |
4.76% |
1 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
Question 9: Visitors (Annually)
Approximately how many visitors do you get per year?
Respondents |
Responses |
1 |
8,000 |
2 |
93,000 |
3 |
200,000 |
4 |
55,000 |
5 |
9,500 - 12,000 |
6 |
2,200 |
8 |
1,000 |
9 |
2,000 |
10 |
140,000 |
11 |
7,500 |
12 |
28,000 |
13 |
220,000 |
14 |
51,760 |
15 |
30,000 |
16 |
4,083 |
17 |
4,000 |
18 |
50,000 |
19 |
20,000 - 23,000 |
20 |
2,500 |
21 |
26,000 |
22 |
14,000 |
Question 10: Visitor Types
Please estimate what percentage of your yearly visitors are:
0-15% |
15-25% |
25-35% |
35-50% |
50-65% |
65-80% |
80-100% |
Local (Non-School): |
22.81% |
13 |
31.58% |
18 |
17.54% |
10 |
21.05% |
12 |
3.51% |
2 |
3.51% |
2 |
0.00% |
0 |
School groups: |
71.70% |
38 |
13.21% |
7 |
9.43% |
5 |
3.77% |
2 |
1.89% |
1 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
Tourist (out of town): |
0.00% |
0 |
1.75% |
1 |
12.28% |
7 |
8.77% |
5 |
28.07% |
16 |
36.84% |
21 |
12.28% |
7 |
Question 11: Admission Discounts
Do you offer discounts or special rates for any of the following?
Yes (% and # of museums) |
No (% and # of museums) |
Members |
53.85% |
28 |
46.15% |
24 |
Seniors |
35.85% |
19 |
64.15% |
34 |
Children |
65.45% |
36 |
34.55% |
19 |
Students |
48.15% |
26 |
51.85% |
28 |
Military |
31.37% |
16 |
68.63% |
35 |
10.20% |
5 |
89.80% |
44 |
Other |
32.69% |
17 |
67.31% |
35 |
Question 12: Admission Fees
What is your admission charge? (general/adult admission)
Free |
$1-3 |
$4-$6 |
$7-$9 |
$10-$12 |
$13-$15 |
$16-$19 |
$20-$25 |
$25+ |
Summer |
38.33% |
23 |
21.67% |
13 |
21.67% |
13 |
6.67% |
4 |
8.33% |
5 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
1.67% |
1 |
1.67% |
1 |
Winter |
52.83% |
28 |
16.98% |
9 |
11.32% |
6 |
5.66% |
3 |
9.43% |
5 |
0.00% |
0 |
0.00% |
0 |
1.89% |
1 |
1.89% |
1 |