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Preparing Alaska's Cultural Organizations for Emergencies Course

A training program especially designed for staff at collecting institutions in Alaska

About this Course

Preparing Alaska's Cultural Organizations for Emergencies (PACO) was a two-year training program offered by the Division of Libraries, Archives and Museums from 2020-2022. PACO program participants enrolled in a 4 month online course, were assigned an emergency planning coach who assisted with the development of institutional preparedness and response plans, and took part in a three-day workshop on collections emergency response and salvage. 

This course website is the modified version of what was taught three times in 2020-2021. The original PACO course included bi-weekly class discussions, bi-weekly office hours, and scheduled meetings with planning coaches. It also included forms and templates for participants to modify for use in their own plans. These have been removed due to maintenance and accessibility concerns. Other aspects of the course have been modified to improve the experience of those who advance through the course independently.

We hope that this course and content continue to serve heritage stewards in Alaska and beyond. 

Consulting Assistance

Contact Mary Irvine (phone: 907-465-4811), Curator of Statewide Services, for assistance. 


Many thanks to the organizations and individuals who contributed to the PACO program. Partnering organizations include:

  • State of Alaska Division of Libraries, Archives and Museums
  • State of Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
  • National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Heritage Emergency National Task Force
  • Anchorage Museum
  • Museums Alaska
  • State of Alaska Office of History and Archaeology
  • University of Alaska Museum of the North
  • Capital City Fire & Rescue
  • Fairbanks Fire Training Center
  • Mat-Su Regional Fire Training Center

Individual contributors include:

  • Cynthia Jones
  • Anjuli Grantham
  • Ellen Carrlee
  • Tiffany Peltier
  • Jared Woody
  • Donia Conn
  • Monica Shah
  • Sarah Owen
  • Karen Gray
  • Amber Glen
  • Kevin May
  • Fawn Cropley
  • Liz Ortiz
  • Jared Yax
  • Rebecca Kennedy
  • Lori Foley
  • James Gilbert

This program was made possible thanks to a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.