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School and Tribal Libraries Coordinator

Profile Photo
Sorrel Goodwin

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM

What I Do

  • School Library Coordinator: 
    • Provide professional and technical consulting services to school libraries and school districts concerned with school library establishment, development, administration, budgeting, policy, operations, services and grant management.
    • Write, plan and conduct training programs on site and by distance
    • Communicate information from the state and national library community to Alaska's school librarians and represent Alaska school librarians in state and national discussions and activities concerning school libraries.
  • School BAG Grant Coordinator:
    • Manage the application and awards process for the grant which helps schools to obtain broadband at 25 mbps.

School Library Guides

Other Guides of Interest

Newsletters I Write

 I compile two newsletters for the Division:

SAYL Mail : School and Youth Librarians Newsletter published twice monthly

AKDSL News: Alaska Digital School Library News published monthly

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