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Shipping Lists for Fiscal Year 2020

Items catalogued monthly by the Alaska State Publications Program.

Distribution Legend

  • SLH: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
  • UAF: UAF Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
  • UAA: UAA Consortium Library
  • LC: Library of Congress
  • SLJ: Alaska State Library, Juneau
  • ARLIS: Alaska Resources Library and Information Service, Anchorage
  • edocs: Online resources
State publications cataloged in September/October 2019
Catalog Record Publisher Author Date OCLC # SLH UAF UAA LC SLJ ARLIS edocs
Alaska boater's handbook / Alaska Office of Boating Safety 2012 1119668340 SLH ARLIS
Alaska boater's handbook / Alaska Office of Boating Safety 2014 1119668661 Online resource
Alaska boater's handbook / Alaska Office of Boating Safety 2019 1119668699 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Kachemak Bay supplement to the Alaska boater's handbook / Alaska Office of Boating Safety, 2007 1119669652 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Kenai River : supplement to the Alaska boater's handbook / Alaska Office of Boating Safety, 2013 1119723066 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Prince William Sound supplement : to the Alaska boater's handbook / Alaska Office of Boating Safety, 2016 1119723543 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Resurrection Bay supplement : to the Alaska boater's handbook / Alaska Office of Boating Safety 2012 1119723953 Online resource
Your guide to the Chena River : a supplement to the Alaska boater's handbook / Alaska Office of Boating Safety 2014 1119669529 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Your guide to the Little Susitna River : a supplement to the Alaska boater's handbook / Alaska Office of Boating Safety 2014 1119723214 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
The Alaska safe boater kids / Alaska Office of Boating Safety, Gill, Shelley, author. 2013 1119724732 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
The Alaska safe boater kids / Alaska Office of Boating Safety, Gill, Shelley, author. 2018 1119724912 Online resource
Subsistence harvest assessment and biological sampling of chinook salmon in the Togiak River drainage / Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence, 2019 1122567501 SLH UAA LC SLJ
Recruitment of staff : guidelines and resources / Alaska Alliance for Direct Services Careers, 2010 1124919284 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Prescription opioids : what Alaskans need to know [State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services, Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention] 2017 1125270554 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Pioneers' Home & Totem Square : historic structures report / State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, Office of History and Archeology, Louthan, Summer, author. 2017 1125343351 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Parents' Guide: talking with youth about marijuana / [Alaska Department of Health and Social Services], 2018 1124857201 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Nushagak River Chinook salmon : local and traditional knowledge and subsistence harvests / Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence, Halas, Gabriela, author. 2019 1122565693 SLH UAA LC SLJ
Notification of custody : a resource guide for parents and guardians Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Office of Children's Services, 2011 1123220684 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
My Alaska coloring book [Alaska Department of Health and Social Services] 2019 1123220614 SLH UAF UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Milestone moments : learn the signs, act early. April 2015, State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services, version Department of Health & Human Services USA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011 1124855512 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Donald Varnell : the crybabies, February 1 - April 6, 2019 / Alaska State Museum, Varnell, Donald, artist. 2019 1123174765 SLH UAF UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Diseases of wild and cultured fishes in Alaska / Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fish Pathology Laboratories, 2019 1122568177 Online resource
Disaster preparedness : for families of children and youth with special health care needs State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services, 2011 1123204929 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Disaster preparedness : for families of children and youth with special health care needs State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services, 2015 1123206395 Online resource
Alaska's resource family handbook : a handbook to provide you with basic information about caring for a child placed in your home State of Alaska, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Office of Children's Services, 2016 1123218656 Online resource
Alaska transition handbook : pathway to adulthood & employment / State of Alaska, Department of Health & Social Services, Governor's Council on Disabilities and Special Education, Alaska. Governor's Council on Disabilities and Special Education, author. 2018 1123219253 SLH UAF UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Alaska transition handbook : pathway to adulthood & employment / State of Alaska, Department of Health & Social Services, Governor's Council on Disabilities and Special Education, Alaska. Governor's Council on Disabilities and Special Education, author. 2019 1123219611 Online resource
Alaska state government web archives 2008 1122796928 Online resource
Alaska resource family handbook : a handbook to provide you with basic information about caring for a child placed in your home Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Office of Children's Services, 2012 1123218310 SLH UAF UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education archived website Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education, creator. 2012 1122797065 Online resource
About the Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey [Alaska Department of Health and Social Services], 2016 1125270575 SLH UAF UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Heritage : newsletter of the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology (3 issues)  Alaska Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation 2019 17867961 SLH UAA LC ARLIS
Alaska quarterly review (V. 36, no. 1 & 2) University of Alaska, Anchorage 2019 09310389 SLH LC SLJ ARLIS
Alaska economic trends (2 issues) Dept. of Labor, Employment Security Division 2019 01478967 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
Alaska trapping regulations Alaska. Department of Fish and Game. 2019-2020 44268855 SLH UAA LC ARLIS
Alaska ... migratory bird hunting regulations  Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game. 2019-2020 42324805 SLH UAA LC ARLIS
Annual report / University of Alaska Foundation  University of Alaska Foundation 2013 42348671 UAA LC
Annual report - Alaska Plant Materials Center  Alaska Plant Materials Center 2013 04859747 SLH ARLIS
Whalesong (1 issues) University of Alaska, Juneau 2019 42300808 SLH SLJ
An Alaskan's guide to the permanent fund  Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation 2009 32471844 SLH UAA LC ARLIS
... Alaska subsistence permit hunt supplement  Alaska. Department of Fish and Game 2020-2021 1106031294 SLH UAA LC ARLIS
Alaska ... drawing permit hunt supplement  Alaska. Department of Fish and Game. 2020-2021 44919537 SLH UAA LC ARLIS
Alaska Marine Highway System, shore facilities condition survey report / Alaska. Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities. 2017 79694850 SLH UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
The innovation frontier (2013, 2017) University of Alaska Anchorage. Office of Research and Graduate Studies 1125949774 SLH UAF UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
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