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Shipping Lists for Fiscal Year 2022: May 2022

Items catalogued monthly by the Alaska State Publications Program

Distribution Legend

  • SLH: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
  • UAF: UAF Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
  • UAA: UAA Consortium Library
  • LC: Library of Congress
  • SLJ: Alaska State Library, Juneau
  • ARLIS: Alaska Resources Library and Information Service, Anchorage
  • edocs: Online resources
State publications added to the catalog in May 2022
OCLC# Catalog Record Publisher Author Date edocs SLH UAF UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
1311416412 Karluk River steelhead population assessment, 2017-2019 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Polum, Tyler, 2021 Online resource
1311417785 2019-2020 weathervane scallop dredge survey report /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Jackson, Tyler, 2021 Online resource
1311433527 Fishery management report for sport fisheries in the Kuskokwim-Goodnews Management Area, 2019 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Chythlook, John S. 2021 Online resource
1311433558 Fishery management report for sport fisheries in the Northwest/North Slope Management Area, 2019 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Scanlon, Brendan P., 2021 Online resource
1311433870 Chignik management area salmon annual management report, 2021 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Stratton, Michelle, 2022 Online resource
1311434068 Chinook salmon sport harvest genetic stock and biological compositions in Cook Inlet salt waters, 2014-2018 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Schuster, Martin, 2021 Online resource
1311435628 Yukon River salmon 2021 season summary and 2022 season outlook /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, 2022 Online resource
1311435771 2021 South Alaska Peninsula salmon annual management report and 2020 subsistence fisheries in the Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, and Atka-Amlia Islands management areas /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Fox, Elisabeth K. C., 2022 Online resource
1311435780 Southeast Alaska commercial salmon port sampling, 2018 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Publications Section, Reynolds-Manney, Anne M., 2022 Online resource
1311545005 Kodiak Management Area harvest strategy for the 2022 commercial salmon fishery /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Jackson, James 2022 Online resource
1311545140 Kodiak Management Area herring sac roe fishery harvest strategy for the 2022 season /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Spalinger, Geoff, 2022 Online resource
1311545181 Alaska salmon fisheries enhancement annual report 2021 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Wilson, Lorna I., 2022 Online resource
1311545517 Operational plan: Alexander Creek northern pike suppression, 2022-2024 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Bradley, Parker T., 2022 Online resource
1311545528 Operational plan: reproductive and biological sampling of yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) and black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) from Southeast Alaska sport and commercial fisheries /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Reppert, Kelly S., 2022 Online resource
1311594768 Operational plan amendment: stock assessment of northern pike in Harding Lake, 2022 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Albert, Matthew, 2022 Online resource
1311596139 Operational plan amendment: interior lake evaluations 2019-2023 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Mansfield, Kelly, 2022 Online resource
1311596744 Policies and procedures for ADF&G scientific and technical fisheries reports, fourth edition /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Graziano, Sara L., 2022 Online resource
1312013181 40 years of fish /  [Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute], Hathaway, Jessica, 2022 Online resource
1312475846 Assessment of factors associated with moose-vehicle collisions and their relationship to moose seasonal movements in the Matanuska and Susitna Valleys of Alaska /  [Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation], McDonald, Lucian R., 2018 Online resource
1312557559 Moose management report and plan, Game Management Unit 5 : report period 1 July 2015-30 June 2020, and plan period 1 July 2020-30 June 2025 / Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, Churchwell, Roy T., 2021 Online resource
1312570678 Aerial moose survey on and around Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge, November, 2011 /  US Fish and Wildlife Service :;Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Craig, Timothy H., 2012 Online resource
1312651188 Preliminary geotechnical memo, Richardson Highway MP 167-173 reconstruction, Z631860000 /  State of Alaska, Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Northern Region Design and Engineering Services, Tannenbaum, Tim F., 2021 Online resource
1312663753 Mountain goat management report and plan, Game Management Unit 1B : report period 1 July 2013-30 June 2018, and plan period 1 July 2018-30 June 2023 / Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, Robbins, W. Frank, 2021 Online resource
1312663914 Mountain goat management report and plan, Game Management Unit 1D : report period 1 July 2013-30 June 2018, and plan period 1 July 2018-30 June 2023 / Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, Koch, Carl H., 2022 Online resource
1312664565 Mountain goat management report and plan, Game Management Unit 11 : report period 1 July 2013-30 June 2018, and plan period 1 July 2018-30 June 2023 / Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, Hatcher, Heidi L., 2021 Online resource
1312664648 Mountain goat management report and plan, Game Management Unit 6 : report period 1 July 2013-30 June 2018, and plan period 1 July 2018-30 June 2023 / Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, Westing, Charlotte, 2022 Online resource
1312664764 Mountain goat management report and plan, Game Management Units 14A and 14B : report period 1 July 2013-30 June 2018, and plan period 1 July 2018-30 June 2023 / Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, Peltier, Tim Charles, 2022 Online resource
1312669029 Mountain goat management report and plan, Game Management Unit 14C : report period 1 July 2013-30 June 2018, and plan period 1 July 2018-30 June 2023 / Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, Stantorf, Cory, 2022 Online resource
1312671890 Movement, survival, and nest monitoring of rock ptarmigan in Game Management Unit 13B, 2013-2017 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, Merizon, Richard A. J., 2018 Online resource
1312672887 Population dynamics of muskoxen in northeastern Alaska /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, Arthur, Stephen M. 2013 Online resource
01478967 Alaska economic trends (May 2022) HC UAA LC SLJ ARLIS