Talking Book Center
- Home
- Logo
- Virtual Alaska Story Hour for Adults
- What can we do for you?
- How do I contact the Talking Book Center?
- Am I eligible?
- How do I apply?
- What equipment is needed?
- How do I order books?
- How do I receive or return books?
- What is the most popular type of service?
- How do I make changes to my service?
- Is there a mobile app available?
- Is music available to borrow?
- How can I donate to this service?
- How is this service made possible?
- Alaska resources for the blind and print disabled
- National resources for the blind and print disabled
- Other products and services for the blind and print disabled
Virtual Alaska Story Hour for Adults
Fridays, noon-1 pm
Register online or by phone at 907-465-2920 to obtain access info
Find out about our current book and share your feedback on the next one.
What can we do for you?
The Alaska State Library Talking Book Center is a cooperative effort between the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, the Alaska State Library, and the Utah State Library to provide Alaskans who cannot read standard print with talking books and Braille service.
If you know someone who can use this free reading program — someone temporarily or permanently unable to read standard print — you can help that person fill leisure hours, continue studies, or just keep in touch with the world.
Talking books are available on loan with special playback equipment to eligible individuals. Any U.S. citizen or resident who cannot hold a book or read standard print can apply to borrow these materials. Books, magazines, and playback equipment are mailed postage-free directly to the borrower.
Our ready-to-print promotional documents:
- Conference slidesSlides from a presentation highlighting the benefit of audiobooks for people with reading disabilities and how to use the Alaska Talking Book Center.
How do I contact the Talking Book Center?
The Alaska State Library Talking Book Center and the Utah State Library Program for the Blind and Print Disabled work together to serve you.
To request books or magazines, replace broken listening machines, ask reference questions, and get help with digital, BARD, Braille and large print library materials:
- Phone (800) 453.4293
- E-mail
- Search
For general questions about talking book services and for prospective patrons to apply for library services:
- Phone (888) 820.4525
- E-mail
Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 8 AM - 4:30 PM |
Tuesday | 8 AM - 4:30 PM |
Wednesday | 8 AM - 4:30 PM |
Thursday | 8 AM - 4:30 PM |
Friday | 8 AM - 4:30 PM |
Saturday | Closed |
Questions? Contact our Juneau Staff
Freya Anderson
- Regional Librarian
- (907) 465.1315
Ginny Jacobs
- Acting Assistant
- (907) 465.1304
Am I eligible?
Individuals qualify for service if they have a visual, physical, or reading disability that limits use of regular print. Contact the Alaska Talking Book Center for more information.
How do I apply?
The Alaska Talking Book Center serves only individuals who have applied for service and meet the eligibility requirements set by law. All new applications for talking book service must be submitted to the Alaska State Library for approval.
Effective immediately, no applications will be processed without a birth date. All applications for users under 18 years old will now require a Parental Acknowledgement form signed by the parent or guardian.
- Parental Acknowledgement FormThis form is required for all users under 18 years old.
What equipment is needed?
The Utah State Library Program for the Blind and Disabled will provide you with the necessary equipment to listen to books for as long as you want to use the program. You are required to borrow at least one book per year or subscribe to a magazine produced by the National Library Service for the Blind or Handicapped in order to retain use of our equipment.
How do I order books?
You have three different ways to identify books you may want to read. When using these resources, keep in mind the following book abbreviations: DB = Digital Book; BR = Braille; LP = Large Type.
- Search Utah's Online Catalog–KLAS
- Search the National Library Service Online Catalog
- Review the annual printed catalog of books or Talking Book Topics, a bi-monthly annotated list of new books. You can subscribe it via audio cartridges or read it online.
How do I receive or return books?
All books and magazines are mailed to you postage-free and are returned to Utah postage-free. On the outside of the container, there is a slot with a reversible mailing card. When you return a book, turn the mailing card over so that the Utah address is showing and put it in the mailbox.
If you receive a defective book, please make a note of it on the mailing card. When returning the book, check the box next to Damaged Book to let staff know that there is a problem.
What is the most popular type of service?
The most popular option is turn-around service: you start with a specific number of books and as these books are returned to Utah, they are replaced to keep you at the same number of books.
How do I make changes to my service?
Contact Utah whenever you want to make changes to the materials you receive. Changes may include:
- Quantity and frequency of books sent.
- Reading interests.
- Magazine subscription changes.
- Equipment malfunctions. If your listening machine is not working or will not hold a battery charge, please contact the Utah State Library Program for the Blind and Disabled to request a replacement machine.
- Temporary change of address. Utah can send books and magazines to a temporary address while you are on vacation.
- Hold service. If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time and do not want materials sent, Utah will put your service on hold.
- Permanent changes of address. Let us know your new address, so you continue to receive books. If you are moving out of Alaska, Utah will send your records to the new library that will serve you. You can even take your equipment with you.
- If you need help with your listening equipment or replacement equipment.
You're always welcome to contact Alaska if you have any questions or concerns about your service.
Is there a mobile app available?
Digital books, magazines, and web Braille are now available for download free of charge from the BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) website to your iPhone or Android device. There are currently more than 25,000 digital books and over 40 magazines from which to choose.
All active patrons are eligible. Please contact Utah for details about how to access the BARD program or search BARD online.
Is music available to borrow?
Music is not available from the Alaska or Utah Talking Book Centers. However, there is a special music library maintained by the National Library Service (NLS) for the Blind and Print Disabled in Washington, DC. The collection contains music education materials and instruction such as:
- Braille — music scores and books about music
- Large print — music scores and books about music
- Audio self-instructional courses, books, and other materials
Please contact NLS:
- Call 800.424.8567, or
- E-mail
How can I donate to this service?
Why donate to the Alaska Talking Book Center? You can help the library serve others by making a donation. You can also remember a loved one who enjoyed services. Acknowledgments will be sent to all donors.
To make a donation, please:
- Make checks out to Alaska Library Network–ALN is a registered 501 (c) 3 so donations are tax deductible
- Note on the check that the donation is for the Talking Book Center
- Indicate the name of your loved one if making a donation on her/his behalf
- Mail the check to:
Alaska Library Network
PO Box 110571
Juneau, AK 99811
How is this service made possible?
This project is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services to the Alaska State Library under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.
Alaska resources for the blind and print disabled
- Alaska Center for the Blind & Visually ImpairedThe Center offers a wealth of resources including Low Vision Clinics, Vision Rehabilitation, Employment Placement and Public Benefits Counseling, the Visually Impaired Senior Alaskans program, Rural Outreach, and programs for Independent Youth.
- Alaska Commission on AgingThe mission of the Alaska Commission on Aging is to ensure the dignity and independence of all older Alaskans, and to assist them to lead useful and meaningful lives through planning, advocacy, education, and interagency cooperation.
- Alaska Digital LibraryProvides audiobooks and ebooks to patrons of participating Alaska libraries, including patrons of the Alaska State Library. In their account settings, users can choose to view the website in high-contrast mode or with dyslexic font.
- Alaska Division of Vocational RehabilitationThe Division of Vocational Rehabilitation webpage offers a listing of available services from the division as well as an evaluative listing of key, online, disability resources.
- Assistive Technologies of Alaska (ATLA)Assistive Technologies of Alaska is concerned with getting technology into the hands of people with disabilities so they might live, work, and be a part of their community more independently.
- Governor's Council on Disabilities and Special EducationThe Council serves as the interdepartmental planning/coordinating agency of the Department of Health and Social Services, the Department of Education and Early Development, and other departments which deliver services to people with disabilities or provide special education and is Alaska's planning council for purposes of federal laws relating to disabilities and special education.
- Special Education Services AgencyWe provide assistance to Alaskan school districts and early intervention programs serving students with low incidence disabilities. SESA is an educational service agency comprised of a core low incidence disability service inclusive of a statewide lending library. Low incidence disabilities include autism, hearing impairment, vision impairment, emotional disabilities and multiple disabilities.
- State Vocational Rehabilitation CommitteeThe board promotes employment of people with disabilities by creating statewide interest in the rehabilitation/employment of people with disabilities.
- Statewide Independent Living CouncilThe Council develops and submits the state plan required in Section 704 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Members monitor, review, and evaluate the implementation of the state plan and coordinate activities with the State Vocational Rehabilitation Committee and other councils that address the needs of specific disability populations.
National resources for the blind and print disabled
- Accessible Television PortalThis portal provides access to described educational television shows for students who have visual disabilities and captioned educational television shows for students who have hearing disabilities. Students with disabilities, family members, teachers, and other professionals qualify to borrow media through the mail or online through this Described and Captioned Media Program. Users must register online in order to access these materials.
- ADA.govInformation and assistance on the Americans with Disability Act from the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.
- American Council of the BlindThe American Council of the Blind strives to increase the independence, security, equality of opportunity, and quality of life, for all blind and visually-impaired people.
- Apple AccessibilityApple products are simple, intuitive, and easy to use. And to help you do more in more ways, a variety of award-winning assistive technologies come standard. So every device not only has accessible features — but accessible principles – built right in.
- Be My Eyes AppBe My Eyes makes life easier for people who are blind by connecting them with sighted helpers through a smartphone app. Through a direct video call, the app gives blind people the opportunity to ask a sighted volunteer for help with tasks that require normal vision. The sighted helper is able to see and describe what the blind person is showing the sighted helper by filming with the video camera in the smartphone. Hans Jørgen Wiberg, who is visually impaired himself, came up with the idea for the application. The app launched January 15, 2015.
- BookshareThis service is free to qualifying US students and schools and fee-based for qualifying US adults. It offers unlimited access to accessible books, textbooks, newspapers and magazines. Individuals can sign up for membership and access the library on their own. Organizations can sign up and provide access to their students or clients.
- Dolly Parton's Imagination Library/American Printing House for the BlindBlind children up to six years old can get six print/braille books a year to keep for free.
- Family ConnectOn FamilyConnect, you'll find videos, personal stories, events, news, and an online community that can offer tips and support from other parents of children who are blind or visually impaired.
- Learning AllyA fee-based, non-profit group that provides audio textbooks to students with learning disabilities and visual impairments. Check with your school to see if it has an institutional membership.
- Microsoft AccessibilityIncludes: Accessibility Features in Microsoft Products; Accessibility Tutorials; Accessibility Demonstrations; Assistive Technology Products for Windows; and Accessibility Guides for Businesses, Educators, Government Organizations, and Individuals with Disabilities
- National Federation of the BlindResources for the blind: services, technology news, visual aids and research information.
- Trace CenterFounded in 1971, Trace has been a pioneer in the field of technology and disability. Its mssion is: “To prevent the barriers and capitalize on the opportunities presented by current and emerging information and telecommunication technologies, in order to create a world that is as accessible and usable as possible for as many people as possible.”
- US DOL's Office of Disability Employment PolicyPromoting policies and coordinating with employers and all levels of government to increase workplace success for people with disabilities.
- Internet Archive's Books for People with Print DisabilitiesIf you use BARD or Bookshare, you can access these books with your BARD or Bookshare password.
- Vision AwareIf you have just begun to deal with vision loss, you probably have many questions, frustrations and even fears. VisionAware was created to help you answer those questions, and cope with those frustrations.
Other products and services for the blind and print disabled
Any mention of products and services in this list is for information only and does not imply endorsement by the Alaska State Library Talking Book Center: