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Shipping Lists for Fiscal Year 2021: April 2021

Items catalogued monthly by the Alaska State Publications Program

Distribution Legend

  • SLH: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
  • UAF: UAF Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
  • UAA: UAA Consortium Library
  • LC: Library of Congress
  • SLJ: Alaska State Library, Juneau
  • ARLIS: Alaska Resources Library and Information Service, Anchorage
  • edocs: Online resources
State publications cataloged in April 2021
OCLC # Catalog Record Publisher Author Year edocs SLH UAF UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
1242884826 A history of Alaska population settlement /  Research and Analysis Section, Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Administrative Services, Sandberg, Eric, 2013 edoc
1243276693 Relationship between disasters and child abuse and neglect : literature summary / Alaska Division of Public Health, Section of Women's, Children's and Family Health, Maternal Child Health Epidemiology Unit, Shah, Zara, 2021 edoc
1243278669 Alaska suicide postvention guide : preparing to heal [Alaska Department of Health and Social Services], 2020 edoc
1243279451 Healthy Alaskans 2030 state health assessment  [Alaska Department of Health and Social Services], 2019 edoc
1243280867 Healthy Alaskans 2030 : state health improvement plan [Alaska Department of Health and Social Services], 2020 edoc
1243281969 Pre-stress losses in decked bulb-tee girders : phase 1-A, sensor study for pre-stress loss monitoring system / Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Statewide Research Office, Ahn, Il-Sang, 2020 edoc
1243317880 Geotechnical asset management (GAM) through thermal modeling and post-construction thermal monitoring of highway embankments for the Dalton Highway MP 0-9 project /  Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Statewide Research Office, McGroarty, Steve, 2019 edoc
1243319169 High friction surface treatment experimental feature : final report and 3rd year monitoring results / Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Statewide Research Office, 2019 edoc
1243319640 Durability of the grouted shear stud connection at low temperatures /  Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Statewide Research Office, Jayaprakash, Arjun, 2019 edoc
1243319905 Bald eagle nesting during construction /  Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Statewide Research Office, White, Ben, 2019 edoc
1243325469 Geotechnical report, Parks Highway milepost 315-325, reconstruction, project no: z606570000, federal no: 0A45028 /  State of Alaska, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Northern Region, Simpson, Jocelyn M., 2021 edoc
1243325864 Evaluation of w-beam guardrail terminal post in sleeve /  Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Statewide Research Office, 2019 edoc
1243326075 Geotechnical memorandum, Deering Airport & Access Road improvement, geophysics investigation, NFAPT00249 /  State of Alaska, Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Northern Region Design and Engineering Services, Jemison, Alec, 2021 edoc
1243326149 Parks Highway Cantwell to Healy, PEL (FLAP) NFHWY00492 /  State of Alaska, Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Northern Region Design and Engineering Services, Speeter, Garrett G., 2021 edoc
1244825510 Glacier Creek aquatic studies, 2020 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Habitat, Region I, Krull, Dylan, 2020 edoc UAA LC SLJ
1246185147 Pick.Click.Give. yearly report /  Permanent Fund Dividend Charitable Contributions Program, 2009 edoc HC
1248736613 Subsistence fisheries harvest monitoring report, Kuskokwim fisheries management area, Alaska, 2019 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence, McDevitt, Chris 2021 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1241214170 Alaska's wild wonders  (2016, 2018,2019, 2020) 2020 HC UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
1478967 Alaska economic trends (April 2021) 2021 HC UAA LC SLJ ARLIS