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Shipping Lists for Fiscal Year 2021: March 2021

Items catalogued monthly by the Alaska State Publications Program

Distribution Legend

  • SLH: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
  • UAF: UAF Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
  • UAA: UAA Consortium Library
  • LC: Library of Congress
  • SLJ: Alaska State Library, Juneau
  • ARLIS: Alaska Resources Library and Information Service, Anchorage
  • edocs: Online resources
State publications cataloged in March 2021
OCLC # Catalog Record Publisher Author Year edocs SLH UAF UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
1232255496 Geotechnical report, Richardson Highway milepost 115-148, phase 2 : project no. z606380000, federal no. 0713016 / State of Alaska, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Northern Region, Simpson, Jocelyn M., 2020 edoc
1233208522 A special review of the Department of Health and Social Services, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligibility  [State of Alaska, Division of Legislative Audit], 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
1234478929 A special review of the Department of Health and Social Services, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) transportation costs  [State of Alaska, Division of Legislative Audit], 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
1234736145 A sunset review of the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, Board of Certified Direct-Entry Midwives (board)  [Alaska State Legislature, Legislative Budget and Audit Committee, Division of Legislative Audit], 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
1235002218 A special review of the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS), Office of Children's Services (OCS) compliance with foster care reform laws.  [Alaska State Legislature, Legislative Budget and Audit Committee, Division of Legislative Audit], 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
1236125780 Harvest and use of wild resources in Buckland, Alaska, 2018 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence, Mikow, Elizabeth, 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1236125956 The harvest and use of wild resources in Kaltag, Alaska, 2018 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence, McDavid, Brooke M., 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1236126974 Review of salmon escapement goals in the Kodiak management area, 2019 /  Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, McKinley, Timothy R., 2019 edoc HC UAA LC
1236131088 Notice of sale, Beaufort Sea areawide 2021W, North Slope areawide 2021W, and North Slope foothills areawide 2021, competitive oil and gas lease sales /  State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil & Gas, [2020] edoc HC
1236131141 Beaufort Sea areawide sale information 2021W, competitive oil and gas lease sale, attachment A /  [State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil & Gas], 2020 edoc HC
1236131286 Sale announcement and instructions to bidders, winter 2021, competitive oil and gas lease sale /  State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil & Gas, [2020] edoc HC
1236131412 Beaufort Sea areawide sale information 2021W, competitive oil and gas lease sale, attachment A : last updated December 7, 2020 / [State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil & Gas], 2020 edoc
1236133133 Mitigation measures, Beaufort Sea areawide, July 12, 2019 /  [State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil & Gas], [2019] edoc HC
1236212411 Beaufort Sea areawide 2021W, sale information /  State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil & Gas, [2020] edoc HC
1236214285 Beaufort Sea areawide 2021W competitive oil and gas lease sale tract map : December 7, 2020 / State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil and Gas, 2020 edoc HC
1237369382 Pile length determination at unknown bridge foundations : final report / Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Statewide Research Office, Samu, Vivek, 2019 edoc HC
1237370293 Self-evaluation and readiness of Alaska DOT&PF on deployment of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) on Alaskan roads /  Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Statewide Research Office, Vasudevan, Vinod, 2020 edoc
1237370926 Use of steel fiber-reinforced rubberized concrete in cold regions : phase II, monitoring / Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Statewide Research Office, Abaza, Osama, 2020 edoc
1240366099 Fishery management report for recreational fisheries in the Tanana River Management Area, 2016 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Wuttig, Klaus G., 2018 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240366120 Pink salmon stock status and escapement goals in southeast Alaska through 2019 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Piston, Andrew W., 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240366290 Chum salmon stock status and escapement goals in southeast Alaska through 2019 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Piston, Andrew W., 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240366297 Annual management report for shellfish fisheries in the Kodiak, Chignik and South Peninsula districts, 2016 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Richardson, Natura, 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240367100 Chignik management area salmon annual management report, 2019 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Renick, Ross L., 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240367121 Chinook salmon escapement in the Chena and Salcha Rivers and coho salmon escapement in the Delta Clearwater River, 2017 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Matter, Allison N., 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240367135 Annual management report for groundfish fisheries in the Kodiak, Chignik, and South Alaska Peninsula management areas, 2019 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Bevaart, Kayla, 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240367142 2020 report to the Alaska Board of Fisheries on the status of the allocation of hatchery-produced salmon in the southeast Alaska region /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Pryor, Flip 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240367211 Ninilchik River Chinook salmon stock assessment and supplementation, 2011-2015 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Booz, Michael D., 2019 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240368750 Southeast pot shrimp stock status prior to the 2017/18 season /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Smith, Quinn T., 2018 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240368776 Annual management report for groundfish fisheries in the Bering Sea-Aleutian Islands management area, 2019 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Beder, Asia, 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240368784 Alexander Creek Chinook salmon stock assessment, 2016 and 2017 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Logelin, Nick, 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240368808 Little Susitna River Chinook and coho salmon escapement studies, 2012-2016 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Lescanec, Daryl, 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240734847 Seasonal distributions and migrations of Arctic grayling in the Five-Mile Clearwater Creek /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Gryska, Andrew D., 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240734985 Estimated abundance of northern pike in the Chatanika River and Mnto Lakes, 2018  /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Albert, Matthew, 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240736192 Stock assessment of Buskin River coho salmon, 2014-2017 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Stratton, Michelle, 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1240736196 Southeast Alaska 2019 herring stock assessment surveys /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Hebert, Kyle Peter, 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1241202050 At the APK & SJM.  [Alaska Division of Libraries, Archives and Museums], 2017 edoc
1241214170 Alaska's wild wonders /  [Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation], 2011 edoc
1241268696 Farmers' market vendor information /  Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Assistance, 2012 edoc
1241424586 TSCG statewide, regional data indicators  /  Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Office of Children's Services, 2020 edoc
1241713644 Alaska Office of Children's Services, calendar year data.  [Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Office of Children's Services], 2020 edoc
1241714181 Alaska legislative budget handbook : for legislators and legislative staff / Alaska Legislative Finance Division. edoc
1242426182 Alaska Criminal Justice Commission annual report.  [Alaska Judicial Council], 2015 edoc
1242436975 Alaska Railroad, tenant news flash /  Alaska Railroad Corporation, 2018 edoc
1242437889 Central Arctic caribou herd news /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, [2016] edoc
1242437932 Alaska small game summary.  [Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation], 2013 edoc
1242438946 Alaska COVID-19 information hub.  Alaska Department of Health and Social Services 2020 edoc
1243165361 Options for amounts reasonably necessary for subsistence uses of Tanner crab in Prince William Sound /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence, Keating, Jacqueline M., 2021 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1243174412 Customary and traditional use worksheet, Nushagak caribou herd, game management units 17A and 17C /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence, Jones, Bronwyn 2021 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1243174467 Customary and traditional use worksheet, Unimak caribou herd, game management unit 10 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence, Jones, Bronwyn 2021 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1243179856 Recovery of a subsistence way of life : assessments of resource harvests in Cordova, Chenega, Tatitlek, Port Graham, and Nanwalek, Alaska since the Exxon Valdez oil spill / Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence, Keating, Jacqueline M., 2020 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1243179922 Fish and water quality monitoring at the Fort Knox Mine, 2020 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Habitat Section, Bear, Chad E., 2021 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
1243179973 The subsistence harvest of Pacific herring spawn in Sitka Sound, Alaska, 2019 /  Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence, Sill, Lauren A., 2021 edoc HC UAA LC SLJ
43623167 Public Employees' Retirement System, comprehensive annual financial report (2020) HC UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
43626664 Teachers' retirement system, comprehensive annual financial report (2020) HC UAA LC SLJ ARLIS
17867961 Heritage : newsletter of the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology (February 2021-March 2021)  HC UAA LC ARLIS
1478967 Alaska economic trends (March 2021) HC UAA LC SLJ ARLIS