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  • Division facilities will be closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1.

Grants for Alaska Libraries and Schools

The Alaska State Library helps public and school libraries acquire financial assistance.

Regional Library Services Grant

The Regional Library Services (RLS) Grant is an annual non-competitive grant opportunity to provide reasonable access to library materials where there are no library facilities, or to provide training or technical support to Alaskan libraries.

Applicants and proposals need to meet requirements according to Alaska Library Law. RLS Grants are awarded according to an agreement between the Alaska State Library and the applicant library. Submitting a proposal does not guarantee funding or full funding. Funds are granted according to resources available.

Federal and/or State Funding Source

The Alaska State Library uses federal Grants to States funds under the Library Services and Technology Act funds (CFDA 45.310) and/or State of Alaska grant funds for Library Assistance Grants. If awarded, the pass-through funding source will be indicated in the grant agreement.

Statutes & Regulations

Visit Alaska Library Law for specific statutes and regulations for the Regional Library Services Grant under Library Assistance Grants.

  • Alaska Statutes: Article 03 Library Assistance Grants Sec. 14.56.300. - 14.56.340.
  • Alaska Administrative Code: Article 2: Library Assistance Grants 4 AAC 57.050. - 57.099.

4 AAC 57.050. Purpose

b.3.  regional library services grants, as authorized by AS 14.46.310 (a)(3), to assist libraries in providing regional library services to areas of the state in which there are no library facilities.

4 AAC 57.069. Regional library services grants

The division shall make a regional library services grant to a library that enters into an agreement with the state library to act on behalf of the state library to:

  1. furnish library materials to areas of the state in which there is not sufficient population or local revenue to support operation of a public library facility; or

  2. provide services, training, or technical support to other libraries.


Eligibility of the library to receive RLS Grant funds as outlined in the Alaska Library Law Sec. 14.56.310. Contact the Grants Coordinator if you have questions about eligibility or the application.


  • Complete Application and Attachments Due April 1
  • Awards Announced After State Budget Approval and DEED Grant Spending Plan Approval
  • Agreements Due Within 30 Days of Award
  • Payout Within 30 Days of Agreement
  • Final Grant Reports Due September 1st of the Following Year


Contact the grants coordinator at or 907-465-2271.