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Governor's Advisory Council on Libraries


  1. The Governor's Advisory Council on Libraries is concerned with planning for and development of library services throughout Alaska. This concern includes the provision of equitable service to all segments of the population, as well as the coordination of services of libraries of all types for the maximum benefit of users.
  2. The Council is concerned with the development of a legislative and financial program insuring quality library service to all residents of the State.
  3. The Council is concerned with regular review and evaluation of the State's library services and activities.
  4. It is the Council's policy to maintain membership that is broadly representative of the library profession and all library users, including disadvantaged persons within the State. The Council's voting membership shall consist of: one public library representative, one special library representative, one academic library representative, one school library representative, the immediate past president of the Alaska Library Association. These members will be selected through the Association by their peers in the manner set forth by the Association. In addition, the Council will include the following voting members chosen by the Governor: one blind and/or physically handicapped representative, one disadvantaged representative, one institutional representative, three library users.
  5. To assure coverage in ideas, scope, and needs, the Council may utilize consultants and mayrecommend and approve individuals as needed to serve on special committees of the Council. To clarify issues, the Council will hold a yearly audio-conference and invite participation from representative library groups.
  6. The Council's recommendations are advisory. Recommendations of the Council will be submitted to the Division of Libraries, Archives, and Museums, which holds the responsibility for final action.

Document history:

  1. Adopted 03/1988
  2. Revised 03/1989
  3. Amended 02/2008