- Alaska State Libraries, Archives, & Museums
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- eResources
- Alphabetical List of Databases
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Looking for EBSCO ebooks? The Alaska State Library terminated it's subscription to the EBSCO Academic Ebook collection due to low use. But State employees can still use the Alaska Digital Library for their ebook needs. If you are a State employee outside of Juneau and your local library does not provide access to the Alaska Digital Library, please contact us, and we'll get you set up.
- Academic Search Ultimate+Full text periodicals covering nearly all subjects.
- Agricola+National Agricultural Library index covering journal articles, books, theses, technical reports, and other publications.
- Alaska & Polar Periodical IndexIndex to Alaska related articles from journals and newspapers.
- Alaska & Yukon Vital RecordsA series of PDFs of mostly Juneau area vital records from 1898 through 1936.
- Alaska's Digital ArchivesA repository of digitized historical manuscripts, photographs, newspapers, maps, books, and other publications, along with significant personal collections.
- Alaska Community DatabaseFact sheets on each Alaska community.
- Alaska Digital Library (ListenAlaska+)Downloadable audiobooks and electronic books for use with PC, Mac, Kindle, and other portable devices. Access for employees of the State of Alaska and members of participating Alaska libraries only via a library card.
- Alaska Law ReviewDuke Law School publication for the Alaska legal community.
- Alaska Legislative Citations Search"Citations" in this context are "commendation, condolences, appreciation or congratulations to an individual or a group" or recognition of "a particular event or occasion." These Legislative Citations are approved by both houses.
- Alaskan Governor's and Lt. Governor's websites on Archive.orgArchived versions of Alaskan Governors' and Lt. Governors' websites, captured near the end of each term, beginning in 2002. The Knowles/Ulmer (harvested in November 2002) and Murkowski/Leman (harvested in November 2006) administrations were uploaded to this system in 2012. Harvest dates for subsequent administrations are accurate.
- Alaska State Agency DatabasesA list of some of the databases produced by Alaska State Agencies, as published on the American Library Association's Government Documents Rountable website.
- All EBSCOHost Databases+About 30 databases, including Academic Search Premier and Newspaper Source Plus, containing citations and full text publications in a variety of subject areas.
- Alt HealthWatch+Full text articles, pamphlets, reports, and other publications on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness.
- Anchorage Daily News/Alaska Dispatch News ArchivesIndex to the ADN from 1985 - present. See NewsBank (Alaska) for selected full text coverage.
- Anchorage Daily News through NewsbankArticles in text format only from 1985. From 2019, complete full text images of the paper is available. For State employees, on the State network, and others in the library.
- Arctic HealthLinks to health information relevant to northern peoples and offers the Arctic Health Publications Database, which indexes over 100,000 journal articles, reports, newspapers, conference proceedings, and more.
- ArticleFirstIndex of articles and tables of contents from nearly 12,500 journals.
- Biography Reference Center+More than 461,000 full-text biographies.
- Book Collection: Nonfiction+Full text popular nonfiction books in basic science, history, social sciences, art, careers, health, adventure, technology, and other topics.
- Business Source Premier+Business articles from financial, banking and industry publications.
- Federal Assistance ProgramsGuide to information on current federal assistance programs.
- CIA World Fact BookData on each country of the world.
- Code4Lib JournalFrom the website: "The Code4Lib Journal exists to foster community and share information among those interested in the intersection of libraries, technology, and the future." Articles cover digital information and objects, accessibility, standards, and more.
- Computer Source+Index and abstracts of publications covering topics such as computer science, programming, artificial intelligence, information systems, and software; includes many full text publications.
- CongressionalThe Alaska State Library now has access to the entire United States Serial Set, CIS Legislative Histories, Congressional Committee Hearings from 1824 forward and more through our LexisNexis subscription. Contact library staff for assistance.
- Congressional Research Service Reports from CRSReports.comLaunched by a "team of coders and academics in the San Francisco Bay Area today", this site provides access to many Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports.
- Congressional Research Service Reports from Library of CongressLibrary of Congress first made this collection available in 2018. All new CRS reports will be added as they are published, and prior reports will be added over time.
- Consumer Health Complete+Comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content.
No databases starting with D.
- Find everything (EBSCO Discovery Service)+Allows people to search our catalog, article databases, and many other resources with a single search. Functionality is limited when the user isn't on the State of Alaska's network for state employees.
- EBSCO Open Dissertations (formerly American Doctoral Dissertations)+An open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses, incorporating EBSCO’s previously released American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933-1955, with additional dissertation metadata contributed by select American colleges and universities. When full text is not directly accessible, there is sometimes a link to free full text at institutional repositories.
- ERICIndex and abstracts of journal articles and reports on education; some publications are available in full text.
- Explora Educator's Edition+Access lesson plans, student tools, curriculum standards and more, as well as a search of ERIC, Teacher Reference Center and Professional Development Center.
- Explora for Grades K-5+A dedicated, graphically oriented search for EBSCO's health and education related databases, geared towards Kindergarten through 5th grades.
- Explora for Grades 6-12+A dedicated, graphically oriented search for EBSCO's health and education related databases geared towards grades 6-12.
- Fairbanks and Juneau Area Newspaper IndexesFairbanks area indexing coverage varies within 1901-1975 and Juneau Empire indexing covers 1/20/1990-1/30/1999.
- FamilySearch.org - Alaska Vital Statistics Records1.1 million documents have been scanned by FamilySearch.org in partnership with the Alaska State Archives to make records available to the public. They are not all available at this website yet, but more of the scanned images will be added over time. These records include birth, marriage, death, and probate records going back to the mid-1800s.
- Find everything (EBSCO Discovery Service)+Allows people to search our catalog, article databases, and many other resources with a single search. Functionality is limited when the user isn't on the State of Alaska's network for state employees.
- Fuente Académica+Scholarly academic journals in Spanish in all major subject areas.
- Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia +An online encyclopedia.
- GreenFILE+Index and abstracts of scholarly, government, and general-interest publications covering human impact on the environment, such as global warming, green building, and renewable energy.
- Google NewspapersIncludes Southeast Alaska's Island News.
- Government in Alaska on Archive.orgArchived versions of State of Alaska websites from June 2008 forward.
- govinfoFederal resources including the CFR, Federal Register, U.S. Code, Congressional Record & federal budget publications.
- GPO+Index to U.S. government publications released by the Government Printing Office.
- Handspeak.comASL (American Sign Language) dictionary with video clips showing signs.
- Health Source Consumer Edition+Full text general health care publications and medical journals.
- Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition+Full text scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines.
- HeritageQuest Online+Genealogy resources, including 1790-1930 US Federal Census records, genealogical book and periodical indexes, Revolutionary War records and Freedman's Bank records.
- Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center +This resource has not been renewed due to lack of funding. Access may end without further notice. Detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast. Full text is provided from leading hobby and craft magazines, including Bead & Button, Creative Knitting, FineScale Modeler, Quilter's World and many more.
- Home Improvement Reference Center +This resource has not been renewed due to lack of funding. Access may end without further notice. Features pamphlets, articles from leading home improvement magazines, images not found anywhere else online, and videos of popular home repair projects.
- Homeland Security Digital LibraryResources for research in the field of homeland security policy and strategy. NOTE: The Ask a Librarian feature on this site will connect you with the HSDL library, not with the Alaska State Library.
- History Reference Center+Designed for academic research, this database features full text for more than 1,990 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books.
- LearningExpress*Resources for test-takers and job hunters.
- Legislative Research ReportsLegislative Research provides reports on a variety of topics in response to requests from Alaskan legislators. Covers 1980 forward.
- LexisNexis (library staff access only)Library staff can search a vast body of news, legal, and legislative history resources through LexisNexis. If you think a search of LexisNexis or some of our other resources may help you, use this link to send us a question.
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts+Index, with abstracts, of periodicals, books, research reports and proceedings covering librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more.
- Live Homework HelpLive tutoring available most days, noon-2 am Alaska time, covering topics through early college level. They'll also review papers, and have homework, test prep, and career resources available 24/7.
- Marine Pollution BulletinFor State employees, on the State network, and others in the library. See terms of use.
- MasterFile Complete+Full text periodicals covering business, health, social science, education, and other general interest topics.
- MAS Ultra - School Edition+Magazines for students in high school.
- MedicLatina+Spanish language medical research and investigative journals.
- MEDLINE+Index and abstracts of biomedical journals.
- Middle Search Plus+Magazines for students in middle school.
- Military & Government Collection+Index and abstracts of articles pertaining to all branches of the military and many government agencies.
- Newsbank (Alaska)+For State employees, on the State network, and others in the library. Full text content for over 2 dozen Alaska news sources including the Anchorage Daily News, Juneau Empire, and Fairbanks Daily News-Miner. Note, however, that due to content ownership issues, some articles may be missing from this database.
- Newspaper Source Plus+Full text articles from US and international newspapers including the New York Times (from January 1985 to present), Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, and the Washington Post. Also includes radio and television transcripts from ABC News, CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), CBS News, CNBC, CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, National Public Radio, PBS, and more.
- Novelist+Information designed to help match books with readers.
- Novelist K-8+Information designed to help match books with young readers.
- OAlsterOpen archive of multidisciplinary open access digital resources contributed by over 2,000 institutions worldwide. Here, you'll find links to photographs, digitized books and papers, audio files, and more.
- PapersFirstIndex of papers presented at conferences worldwide.
- Points of View Reference Center+Contains resources that present multiple sides of an issue.
- PolarPac (In library use only)Index to data and publications covering materials from Alaska and Arctic regions. This is not on the internet. If you would like us to do a lookup for you, please contact us.
- Primary Search+Magazines for students in elementary school.
- ProceedingsIndex of worldwide conference proceedings.
- Professional Development Collection+Full text journals and reports for professional educators.
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Reference Collection+Full text articles on topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods.
- PubMedIndex and abstracts of publications covering all areas of medicine, including dentistry, nursing, and preclinical sciences.
- Regional Business News+Current news on industries around the world.
- Religion and Philosophy Collection+Full text articles covering such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy.
- Science Reference Center+A comprehensive research database that provides easy access to a multitude of full-text, science-oriented content.
- Semantic ScholarSearch open scholarly sources using artificial intelligence: narrow down your search with suggested search terms, see overviews of research on specific topics, and see connections between studies.
- SLEDInformation resources for, about, and by Alaskans.
- Small Business Reference Center+Full text periodicals, reference books, and videos on a variety of business topics including hiring and managing employees, marketing, interviews, customer service, and communication. Includes books published by Nolo, a well-respected publisher of legal resources for people who are not legal professionals.
- Small Engine Repair Reference Center+This resource has not been renewed due to lack of funding. Access may end without further notice. Full set of small engine repair manuals from Clymer http://www.clymer.com/. These manuals contain thousands of accurate and concise step-by-step maintenance and repair instructions for hundreds of small engine machines and their supporting components
- State and County Quick FactsSummary of available Census information for States, counties and boroughs.
- Statistical Abstract of the United States (2012 edition)Statistical information about the nation's people and economy. The 2012 edition, with 2011 data, is the last to be made available freely.
- TopicSearch+Selected articles relating to school debate topics and current events.
- Tribal Law GatewayThis portal, from the National Indian Law Library, offers links to tribal codes, constitutions, and other legal documents. If you don't find what you need in the "Tribal Law Gateway," try searching the National Indian Law Library's catalog.
- Teacher Reference Center*Index and abstracts of journals and magazines for professional educators.
- U.S. Census Bureau, Business & IndustryDomestic and international statistics and forecasts from the US Census, including The Economic Census and Economic Indicators.
- WorldCatCatalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide. Access limited to employees of the State of Alaska.
- WorldCat DissertationsCatalog of dissertations and theses in libraries worldwide.