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Library Technology Consultant & OWL Program Manager

Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM

Zoom Office Hours

Alaska Libraries: Join our weekly OWL and Technology drop-in Office Hours. Send me an email to get the calendar with Zoom link.

What I Do

  • Internet and Technology Consulting: 
    • Provide technology advice to libraries, including in-library networks, online catalogs and internet access.
    • Offer one-on-one and group technology and SLED Databases training opportunities to staff in Alaska libraries.
    • Provide software advice and training to staff of our Division.
    • Promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) resources to libraries.
  • OWL Program Manager:
    • Provide high level oversight of the Online With Libraries (OWL) program, which provides broadband assistance to qualifying rural libraries and Zoom-based videoconferencing. 

Technology Guides

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